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MBA Review Magazine:
India - 2020

This article highlights the problems and prospects of our country and where India will stand by 2020. With the help of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis, it compares India with China economically and strategically and concludes that Indians should work towards the target of making India a developed nation by 2020 and a superpower by 2050. A developed India by 2020 or even earlier, is not a dream. It need not be a mere vision in the minds of many Indians. It is a mission we can all take up—and succeed.


Indian civilization is one of the oldest in the world and we are proud to have had such cultural richness. India was also one of the richest countries in the past. Gradually, many changes took place, especially after the Portuguese, being strong seafarers, found out sea routes to various countries, including India, and set up their colonies. Subsequently, the Spanish, French, Dutch and finally the British set up their colonies all over the world especially after the Industrial Revolution. Ultimately, they left India fully plundered and in a financial mess. Ever since independence, India witnessed many upheavals because the British left India with many geographical complications and implications. As a result, we were forced to go to war with Pakistan in 1948, 1965 and 1971. And India also faced the onslaught of Chinese incursion in 1962. All these things led to many social, economic and political problems. Besides, the policy of a mixed economy adopted by Pundit Nehru did not payoff.Only since the early 1990s has the Indian economy begun to look up due to Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG), initiated under the leadership of late Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao. All these economic policies and reforms paved the way for the rapid growth of our country and the world began taking India seriously and there is powerful talk of India emerging as an economic superpower in the near future. In this context, let us evaluate India's potential by conducting a SWOT analysis.

Ever since independence, India witnessed many upheavals because the British left India with many geographical complications and implications. As a result, we were forced to go to war with Pakistan in 1948, 1965 and 1971. And India also faced the onslaught of Chinese incursion in 1962. All these things led to many social, economic and political problems. Besides, the policy of a mixed economy adopted by Pundit Nehru did not payoff.


MBA Review Magazine, SWOT Analysis, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, Indian Civilization, Industrial Revolution, Financial Mess, Geographical Complications, Geographical Implications, Economic Problems, political Problems, Economic Policies, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization, LPG.